

Was Cassie the head freak in the freak-offs?

That’s what Puff Daddy’s lawyers are alleging after viewing nine tapes of sexual activity that they say Cassie handed over to the feds.

According to The Diddler’s legal team, the tapes portray “private sexual activity between fully consenting adults in a long-term relationship and that Cassie” not only consented but thoroughly enjoyed herself” and “is evidently happy, dominant and completely in control,”

“There are no secret cameras, no orgies, no other celebrities involved, no underground tunnels, no minors, and not so much as a hint of coercion or violence,” they continued.

Diddy’s legal team also suggests the tapes Cassie turned over are the bulk of the video evidence the Feds have against Puff.

Cassie has already settled her civil case against Puff for an undisclosed amount, rumored to be $30 million.


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