Clipse is possibly making moves in 2020. The Virginia Beach duo — comprised of brothers Gene “No Malice” Thornton and Terrence “Pusha T” Thornton — haven’t put an album out since 2009’s Til The Casket Drops, but rumors of a long awaited reunion have been bubbling for years. They heated up in October 2018 when the […]


Is Sir Carter a twin? I mean yes, obviously. Beyoncé’s youngest children Sir and Rumi Carter are the most powerful Gemini twins with a June 13 birthday since Mary-Kate and Ashley. Let us rephrase: is Sir Carter Jay-Z’s twin? The evidence suggests that yes, actually, he is. Sure, Jay-Z is Sir’s dad, which complicates things. […]


The members of Bone Thugs-n-Harmony have been thick as thieves for decades. But over the course of countless tours and seemingly endless recording sessions, even the closest of friends are bound to get on each other’s nerves. During a recent interview with The Domenick Nati Show, Bizzy Bone named the one member of the legendary […]


Shortly after French Montana and 50 Cent went at it on social media, DJ Akademiks and NAV have stepped up to the plate. It all started with a tweet from NAV that read, “Akademiks hop on and off dick so much he prolly got STDs.” Although the Everyday Struggle co-host initially played it cool, he […]


While Pusha T doesn’t explicitly reference Drake in his latest tweet, it’s not tough to read between the lines (or laughs, if you will). On Tuesday night (December 31), the Clipse MC shared a long series of “haha’s” to his Twitter account, leading many to believe he’d finally seen Drake’s recent Rap Radar interview.  Hahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhaha […]


Los Angeles, CA – Three 6 Mafia OG DJ Paul was stopped by TMZ at the Los Angeles International Airport where he was asked about Juicy J’s recent comments regarding drug use. While DJ Paul didn’t exactly condone the behavior, he didn’t shun it either. “People are going to do what they wanna do regardless,” […]
