
bandoned as a newborn in the slums of Kingston, Jamaica, Quanum888 was lost in the dangerous everyday dealings of his childhood home, until music. He is now ready to share his story and talent with the world. We had the chance to chat with him about his new release “Here We Go” and much more!

“Here We Go”, your latest single, is also your very first music video. Tell us a bit about its creation and what inspired it.

“First I want to say thanks, for allowing me to be heard by however many wonderful souls reading or listening to this. The video for “Here We Go”, was put together through the understanding of being in pain and pretending there is none. I honestly want to thank folks that reach out to me on YouTube. It’s not easy to wake up each day hurting in your existence, and walking around faking happiness. Don’t get me wrong, many people attempt to pull off being fake, but sure enough the consequences when it catches up to that person are detrimental. And I think that’s where the inspiration for the video came from. This video goes out to that family that lost their brother or sister, father and mother, or son and daughter…etc. All because they got tired of living a lie and decided to overdose or commit the act of suicide.” 

How has moving from Jamaica to Atlanta, GA, affected your creative process?

“I never really see the name of a place. Just the behavior of the people around me. But Atlanta, GA, is not bad. There’s just as many starving people as anywhere else on the globe. I’m grateful for the experience to come in contact with so many. All that helps to optimize my creative process and shape the way I relate to folks through my lyrics.”

What inspired you to write your very first song and when?

“For most of my life I’ve been walking a very fine line. I’m honestly surprised I made it this far. I wrote my first song while I was living in fear of being killed in a gang war, and that’s almost twenty years ago. I was reckless and very ignorant.”

Describe your music using three words. 

“Bleeding, Painful, Honest.”

Who supports you most in your musical career? 

“A great friend named Krazy Hype, Negus, and Rhiza of MWE studios. They literally fed my appetite for creating music.”

Are you excited about 2022? What plans for this year can you share with fans?  

“What I can say is that I’m just along for the ride. What should be revealed will come in later on through the motion. But I want to take this time out to shout out to Rick, the father who reached out to me, and said his son passed away from a heroin overdose two weeks ago. Turned out his son favored reciting lyrics to a freestyle of mine known as “Addiction.” It isn’t over the top. But Rick reached out through my YouTube channel to tell me his son Michael was deeply drawn to the words of that freestyle up until his sad end. Rest In Peace, Michael. Thanks for reaching out Rick, and I know there’s nothing I can say to truly cause you to feel okay about what happened to your child.”

Follow Quanum888: InstagramYouTube

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