
But Egypt also helped get K Dot out of his writer’s block, according to what Swizz said on The Jennifer Hudson Show.

“I’m jealous as hell of that one,” said Swizz. “I thought me and Kendrick was cool but they kicked it off at the Super Bowl game, and I looked and him and Kendrick was talking for like 40 minutes. I went over and said to Kendrick, ‘Is he bothering you? Should I move him? I know you enjoying yourself.’”

“He said, ‘No. Swizz, I had writer’s block and what Egypt is telling me is helping me deal with something.’ I was like, ‘Well man, he’s 5 years old.’ Still to this day, I don’t know what he was helping him deal with but I let it happen …  He definitely charged him. Egypt got some money off that record.”

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