
British-Jamaican unconventional artist drops a stunning single and music video “EMPIRE” that defies everything we thought about our cities. The extraordinary music video that was shot in Panama and New York City by two directors—Jorge Isaac and Gabriel Inghilterra—shows the artist revealing both the good, the bad, and the ugly of modern cities. 

A talented and creative artist, REGALJASON has been around the world and has learned to notice the subtle things that unite us all as humanity. Through his art, he aims to explore heavy topics that not many dare to speak about and to inspire others to do the same. “I believe we are all born with royal blood, but if we do not fight for our thrones they will be taken from us. There are many who will dare to threaten our reign; I have chosen to wage war,” he says, speaking about his artist name.

REGALJASON is on: InstagramSpotifyYouTubeWebsite

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