After her debut album Formal Introduction, Mz Genesiz, a businesswoman and rapper, is now dropping her sophomore album titled Checkmate. Her entire life is dedicated to support women, from all kinds of fields, and in all kinds of ways possible, this time with the release of an empowering album, that strongly addresses some of the most important issues in society, such as the need for women to get away from the hypersexualized schemes they have been forced to follow in order to supposedly have any kind of success. Mz Genesis is strongly against that, and encourages all girls and women to follow the exact opposite path, that of self-confidence, solidarity, and faith, elements that are enough for women to unite and make their dreams a reality no matter where they happen to be. With the BLM and the Me too movement in sight, Genesis knows that now is the time for action, and Checkmate is the perfect tracklist for getting the motivation one needs in times of confusion and chaos.