The surviving members of the Beastie Boys — Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz and Michael “Mike D” Diamond — have been more visible in recent years thanks in part to the roughly 600-page Beastie Boys Book and subsequent book tour. Luckily for their fans, it looks like 2020 will entail more Beasties mania.  Longtime collaborator Spike Jonze, who […]


The members of Bone Thugs-n-Harmony have been thick as thieves for decades. But over the course of countless tours and seemingly endless recording sessions, even the closest of friends are bound to get on each other’s nerves. During a recent interview with The Domenick Nati Show, Bizzy Bone named the one member of the legendary […]


While Pusha T doesn’t explicitly reference Drake in his latest tweet, it’s not tough to read between the lines (or laughs, if you will). On Tuesday night (December 31), the Clipse MC shared a long series of “haha’s” to his Twitter account, leading many to believe he’d finally seen Drake’s recent Rap Radar interview.  Hahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhaha […]
