After nearly a decade of static, fans of the indie-rock group Bright Eyes have reason to rejoice. The Omaha-based band, fronted by widely revered singer-songwriter Conor Oberst, are back in business. Bright Eyes are set to release a new album with indie label Dead Oceans, their new home, and head on tour for a string of live shows, including a performance at England’s End of the Road Festival. The band shared the news on their official Twitter account, including a list of tour dates. Dead Oceans added significant hype to the news, tweeting a video of the band recording with a live orchestra.
The news comes after the band launched an ominous #BrightEyes2020 hashtag on a new official Instagram account and on their Twitter earlier this month. Oberst and musicians Mike Mogis and Nate Walcott went their separate ways in 2011 after touring behind their eighth album, The People’s Key. Oberst has had his ups and downs in the intervening years, releasing several solo albums and reckoning with public controversy and negative press. Speculation about a Bright Eyes reunion began back in 2016 after the band released a box set of six previous albums. Four years later, and it’s not quite clear what musical direction we can expect from the band that captivated listeners for much of the aughts with their unique brand of alt-indie-emo-folk rock. If the studio teaser is any indication, it looks like we’re in for some lush melodies.