There’s almost always a winner in a breakup, and when you had a very big and very famous breakup, the public tends to be the unsolicited judge determining who that winner is. Insert Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, who in this house we respectively recognize as the Queen of Pop and the singer who put out Man of the Woods. Since Britney is bored in self-isolation, she decided to vamp on Instagram out on her lovely deck while semi-dancing to one of the later-stage singles of her ex-boyfriend. Britney knows a post like this comes with baggage. She knows the matching denim-on-denim number she wore with Timberlake is a cultural touchpoint for millions, but she is just out here trying to live in love and light. “I know we had one of the world’s biggest breakups 20 years ago ……” wrote Spears in the caption, “but hey the man is a genius !!!! Great song JT.” So generous of her to give a minor hit some love.