
Legends supporting legends is simply what we love to see. Fiona Apple revealed to the The New Yorker that her highly anticipated upcoming album is named after another ’90s icon, Gillian Anderson. The name of her new album, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, isn’t an X-Files quote, though (or from the actress’s more recent turn in Sex Education). It’s from The Fall, where Anderson played a British version of SVU’s Captain Oli Benson (more or less). She calls out the phrase after finding the locked door to a room where a girl has been tortured. So … that sets a mood. A very … specific mood. “Really, what it’s about is not being afraid to speak,” Apple said of the album title. One song from the new album was written in the aftermath of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination hearings, out of frustration for victims of sexual violence. Elsewhere on the album, Apple sings about trying not to “fall in love with the women who hate” her. “I’ve been thinking about when I was trying to be your friend,” Apple previewed the title track for the The New Yorker. “I thought it was, then— / But it wasn’t, it wasn’t genuine.”

Apple announced that her album is finished in sign language recently, but told The New Yorker the due date kept getting pushed back. Just like the X-Files, I want to believe.

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